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New Year changes at WIPO and EUIPO
Happy New Year to all our readers!
There are some important changes at WIPO and EUIPO with effect from 1 January that trade mark practitioners need to be aware of.
Madrid Monitor
As announced recently by WIPO, Madrid Monitor is now the only tool for tracking the status of international trade mark applications and registrations under the Madrid System.
Madrid Monitor integrates all the functions of the previous systems, allowing you to track the status of all international applications and registrations under the Madrid System. It also has a number of new features. For more information, see WIPO's dedicated information page.
The ROMARIN, Madrid e-Alert and Madrid Realtime Status tools have all been discontinued. [Trivia question: Do you know what ROMARIN stood for? Please submit your answers using the Comments button below!]
Nice Classification
WIPO has also announced that a new version of the 11th edition of the Nice Classification entered into force on 1 January 2018. This can be accessed here.
Faxes at EUIPO
Fax is no longer accepted for filing EUTM applications or renewals at EUIPO as of 1 January, except as a backup system if technical malfunctions prevent e-filing.
Full details of the change are set out in Decision EX-17-4 of the Executive Director of the EUIPO (16 August 2017).
Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 08.25Tags: Madrid Monitor, WIPO, EUIPO,
