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MARQUES statement on election of Antonio Campinos as EPO President
Chair of the MARQUES Council, Gregor Versondert, has welcomed the election of António Campinos (right) as President of the European Patent Office, saying:
MARQUES congratulates Mr Campinos on his election and wishes him well in his new role at the EPO. Given our observer status at EUIPO, MARQUES has worked closely with Mr Campinos and his team over the past seven years and we will continue to work with him during the rest of his term until 30th June 2018.
Mr Campinos and the EUIPO staff have achieved remarkable results during his leadership, making the Office a fully effective EU agency as well as building and developing a strong network among European and international partners. These partners include national IP offices, the EPO, enforcement authorities, WIPO and the TM5/ID5. This has resulted in greater cooperation to achieve harmonisation of IP systems at national, regional and international levels.
MARQUES looks forward to the appointment of a successor to Mr Campinos as EUIPO Executive Director and is ready to provide any support required in that process. MARQUES hopes to see the same commitment to users' involvement and users' needs as Mr Campinos has shown during his term at EUIPO.
Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 15.42Tags: EPO, EUIPO, Antonio Campinos, Gregor Versondert,
