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OHIM announces "class headings breakthrough"
On its website OHIM today proudly announces a "class headings breakthrough" following the ABBC meeting in May 2013 in the wake of the Court of Justice decision (Case C-307/10) IP Translator.
As our readers will recall that the IP Translator decision
"... deemed certain general indications insufficiently
clear and imprecise for classification, but did not specify which were
classifiable and which were not.
In under a year, an agreement was reached which will result in the creation and publication of a Common Communication on the web sites of all participating offices envisaged by the end of this year. This communication will clearly outline the initiative results and its influence on EU IP practices, as well when and by whom this common practice will be implemented. This implementation by the EU IP Offices will happen on a voluntary basis." (emphasis by Class 46)
You can read this news item in its entirety on OHIM’s website.
Posted by: Birgit Clark @ 11.23Tags: Class headings, OHIM, IP Translator,
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