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European "Friends of GIs" propose text for next Doha round
During informal consultations with World Trade Organization Deputy Director-General Rufus Yerxa over the text of clauses to be included in a potential Doha Round framework deal, the "Friends of Geographical Indications," a group of countries led by the EU and Switzerland, is seeking a decision that "Members agree to the extension" of an extra level of TRIPs protection for geographical indications to all products, not just wines and spirits. Article 23 of TRIPs currently prevent the use of geographical indications such as Champagne for wines and spirits not from the region in question, even when the real origins of a product are clearly displayed for consumers, for example, through the use of expressions such as "type," "style," or "imitation."
While the EU and Switzerland have long supported this position, other WTO Members, notably Australia, Canada, Argentina, the US, and South Africa, question the need for it [source: Bridges Weekly Trade News Digest].
Tags: Geographical indications,
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