Issue 087
  March 2018

Teams provide update on work at Spring Meeting


Joint Statement on Brexit


Hague Agreement seminar in Copenhagen


Latest news from the MARQUES ACPT Team


News from Alicante


WIPO shares 2017 statistics


No more faxes at Madrid Registry


Hague System updates


Beijing AIC targets trade mark infringement


Upcoming events


MARQUES Media Roundup

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Teams provide update on work at Spring Meeting


More than 150 people attended the annual Spring Team Meeting, held this year at the Gran Hotel Miramar in Malaga, Spain from 8 to 9 March

Joint Statement on Brexit



MARQUES – along with AIM, APRAM, BMM, CITMA, ECTA and INTA – has sent a Joint Statement to the EU Commission’s Brexit team regarding the negotiations concerning the exit of the UK particularly with regard to trade marks and designs

Hague Agreement seminar in Copenhagen



The latest in the MARQUES series of events “Mastering the Hague Agreement”, organised in collaboration with WIPO, was presented in Copenhagen on 15 March

Latest news from the MARQUES ACPT Team


Petra Herkul of DSM became chair of the MARQUES Anti-Counterfeiting and Parallel Trade Team in March, succeeding Diana Versteeg of AkzoNobel. She spoke to HouseMARQUES about the Team’s current activities and plans, in particular its engagement with the EU Observatory

On 22 March, Petra and Diana represented MARQUES at the Private Stakeholders Meeting of the EU Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights in Alicante, the second time they have attended this annual event.

Three topics discussed during the day require support from brand owners: (1) the EDB Forum on 13-14 June 2018, (2) IPR TechWatch, and (3) Blockathon. Find out more about these topics on this blog post on Class 46. The post also includes links to more information. Note that participation in the EDB Forum is free for rights holders that have an EDB account and their representatives, and registration will open on 9 April.

Working groups

The ACPT Team is active in representing MARQUES in various ways at the Observatory, and is involved in three working groups, as well as the private stakeholders group: Kristina Edén Johnsen (Legal and International), Sonia Santos (Enforcement) and Petra herself (IP in the Digital World).

“There is a lot of work going on in the working groups,” says Petra. “By attending these meetings, we can hear about the work taking place, report back to MARQUES members and then take feedback to the next meeting.”

One topic under discussion at the moment is an annual report on notorious online and offline marketplaces (NMR) and there are discussions about whether, and in what way, this should take place. “MARQUES may help canvassing views from rights holders on this topic” says Petra.

Observatory reports

The Observatory may be best known to many members for its frequent reports on counterfeiting topics and sector analyses. The latest of these, published on 15 March, looked at trade in counterfeit goods and free trade zones. Read a summary of the report on the Class 46 blog.

This month an evaluation by Technopolis on the implementation of Regulation (EU) No 386/2012 on entrusting the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) (former OHIM) with tasks related to the enforcement of intellectual property rights (IPRs), including assembling public- and private-sector representatives as a European Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights was published.

The evaluation found there was “a broad consensus on the activities of the Observatory and its general usefulness in the fight against counterfeiting and copyright infringements and IPR enforcement in general”. Read the full report here.

“We are impressed with the number and content of the studies carried out by the Observatory so far,” says Petra, adding: “I think the challenge now is putting these words into action.”

“Of course the ACPT Team will take the lead on this, but we would also like to reach out to other MARQUES Teams that may have information on developments, cases or decisions. We are happy to be the intermediary to provide input from members of various Teams.”

Find out more about the work of the ACPT Team, and contact Petra, on the Team’s dedicated page on the MARQUES website. See all the Observatory publications, including the sector reports, on its dedicated page.

News from Alicante


MARQUES members may be interested in these updates from EUIPO in Alicante

WIPO shares 2017 statistics





According to information published by WIPO on 21 March, there were 56,200 trade mark applications via the Madrid System last year, an increase of 5% on 2016. The Organization has also published details of UDRP cases heard during 2017


No more faxes at Madrid Registry


Hague System updates

Effective from 1 April, the Madrid Registry will no longer process documents and requests received by fax


The UK is joining the Hague System. Plus: get an access code for e-filing

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Beijing AIC targets trade mark infringement

According to China Industry & Commerce News, in the first quarter of 2018, Beijing Administration for Industry and Commerce (Beijing AIC) and its sub-AICs carried out a campaign, which lasted for one month, targeted at trade mark infringement. Teresa Yuan Tian reports


Upcoming events


MARQUES Media Roundup

The deadline for registration for the EUIPO Case Law Conference has been extended to 13 April. Plus: details of planned MARQUES events



The MARQUES blogs are packed with the latest news and analysis on case law, legislative developments and other news relating to trade marks and designs

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