Issue 139
  July 2022

Upcoming MARQUES events


UK publishes designs response


From the


Grand Board oral hearing


IP Case Law Conference


Recent EU General Court cases


News from EUIPO


Updates from WIPO




MARQUES Media Roundup

The views expressed by contributors to this newsletter are their own and do not necessarily reflect the policy and/or opinions of MARQUES and/or its membership.  Information is published only as a guide and not as a comprehensive authority on any of the subjects covered.  While every effort has been made to ensure the information given is accurate and not misleading neither MARQUES nor the contributors can accept any responsibility for any loss or liability perceived to have arisen from the use or application of any such information or for errors and omissions.  Readers are strongly advised to follow up articles of interest with quoted sources and specialist advisors.

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Upcoming MARQUES events

Find out more about the 2022 Annual Conference in Madrid, Luxury Brands Symposium in Florence, webinar on Chinese IP and Corporate Focus Group Meetings

UK publishes designs response

The response to the call for views on reviewing the designs framework in the UK was published on 12 July. The government received 57 responses, including one from MARQUES

The call for views sought feedback from stakeholders on issues including novelty searching for registered designs, enforcement, and disclosure of supplementary unregistered designs.

In its response, the government summarised respondents' views and identified issues for further consideration. In particular:

  • The government is considering joining the WIPO DAS system for designs as part of the IPO digital transformation programme.
  • It will look at ways to simplify the designs regime, in particular for unregistered designs; consider the relationship between design and copyright law; and improve guidance for designers.
  • It will seek additional views and evidence on disclosure requirements for supplementary unregistered designs.
  • The deferment provision will be considered, and views sought by consultation.
  • The government will consider whether it can introduce measures to make enforcement easier, and seek further evidence on criminal sanctions.

Full details, as well as all the responses received (including that from MARQUES), can be viewed and downloaded on the UK IPO website here. More information is available from the Designs Team.

From the Observatory...

The EUIPO Observatory celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. Members of the MAQUES Anti-Counterfeiting and Parallel Trade Team share their perspectives on its achievements

Grand Board oral hearing   IP Case Law Conference

The EUIPO's Grand Board will hold an oral hearing in the Iceland cases on 9 September 2022 at 09.30


A number of MARQUES members took part in the 4th EUIPO Boards of Appeal IP Case Law Conference, held in Alicante on 7 and 8 July

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Recent EU General Court cases

HouseMARQUES summarises recent trade mark judgments from the EU General Court

News from EUIPO

The EUIPO has provided guidance on NFTs and unveiled a new EUTM filing form

Updates from WIPO

A diplomatic conference for a Design Law treaty, the UK IPO joins the Global Brand Database and the first WIPO Global Awards are announced

Talking MARQUES   MARQUES Media Roundup

Listen to the Talking MARQUES podcast on the MARQUES website or on Spotify


Read posts from MARQUES and from individual members on the Class 46 and Class 99 blogs

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